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Our desktop, web, and mobile platforms are designed for performance and built for all levels of investors
DOWNLOAD DHANI STOCK APP & enjoy 1-click trade execution across various asset classes.
Log onto https://shubhweb.dhanistocks.com/base/login to place orders online, track transactions, invest in IPO, Transfer Funds, Track Portfolio and view intraday and historical charts with technical studies.
Dhani Stocks PIB is an installable trading terminal designed for high-frequency and advanced traders. It is an advanced online trading platform with real-time stock prices, live trading reports and advanced charts. Download for Desktop
Don't worry if you are on the move, we’ve got you covered. Just call our central dealing desk at 022 – 7190 7190 to place trading orders at ZERO additional charges.
DhaniStocks charts are powered by TradingView. These advanced charts offer a plethora of powerful features that make it a go-to choice for traders
Customizable Interactive Charts
Traders can choose from Candlestick charts, Bars, Hollow candles, Columns, Line, Area, Baseline that allow users to view real-time and historical market data across various asset classes.
Technical Analysis Tools
These tools enable traders to conduct in-depth analysis of price movements and identify potential trading opportunities.
Drawing Tools
110+ smart drawing tools including trend lines, pitchforks, cross and much more to visually analyze price movements and identify key levels on the charts.
Alerts and Notifications
Traders can set up alerts and notifications based on specific market conditions or price levels. This feature ensures that users stay updated on market movements and potential trading opportunities.
DhaniStocks has partnered with TradingView for its charting technology. A comprehensive trading platform offering key market insights, financial news, market data and the ability to track market updates from real time economic calendar.
Apply for your favourite IPOs & Track your allotment using the Dhani Stocks Trading platforms.
Apply for any IPO in under 2 minutes with Dhani Stocks App:
Keep your PAN & AADHAAR Card handy for quick account opening.